Friday, March 8, 2019

Korean Culture

"Our own podcast"?

 Hi and hello. So we had to do our own podcast which we have to search for a topic on it. We were paired up and my partner was Aisyah. We decided to talk and record about the "Korean Culture" because you know that nowadays mostly everything is related to the Korean culture. This podcast needed to be record and edited. there are a few software that can be used for editing such as bandlab, audicity, and many other editing software. We discussed on where to start our recording then after the recording, we tried to edit it using audicity but it is a bit difficult so we used bandlab to edit our podcast. There were many things and parts that needed to be trimmed and edited. we included the sound effects and some songs that has been cut out. So then, our podcast is done and had been uploaded. Alhamdulillah. The end. bye-bye people.

Image result for bye bye gif

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